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The UPS Store center in your hotel or convention center can help you to provide excellent additional services to your guests.
Enhance Your Hotel Guests' Experience
Integration of The UPS Store can be transparent to guests. For example, charges to The UPS Store center can become a simple line item on their hotel bill. Business travelers can send print files online to The UPS Store prior to arriving, and have print jobs produced and delivered on-site. Travelers can count on The UPS Store to ship luggage and souvenirs back home.
The UPS Store centers provide convenience to guests and eliminate the need to leave your location for their printing and shipping needs.
Event Support with The UPS Store 
The UPS Store understands how important large meetings and events can be to your hotel or convention center. Meeting and event planners can count on The UPS Store centers to provide inbound and outbound shipping and storage of event freight materials.
On-site The UPS Store centers help meeting and event planners save time, provide convenience, and have peace of mind. The UPS Store can even meet with event planners during routine pre-event site visits to coordinate shipping and printing needs. From last-minute print jobs, to pre-event preparation, The UPS Store can help events run smoothly.